Friday, November 30, 2001

Jann Arden's Journal

A very personal journal she has posted on her web site. Today's included: I don't know myself physically. I don't look like myself somehow. I don't feel how I actually look. I look differently in my head. I really do see my body differently, my face differently.

Lyrics from her new song "Never Mind"
"What I am is too far in for you to see
What I am is too far in and can’t be found"

Changing Education for a Changing Economy

Snips of an article by Tod Maffin

"Today’s net generation needs schools that recognize the student’s role as co-discoverer of knowledge, with the teacher responsible for seeing that the discovery takes place. Today’s learners are demanding tools to experience their world directly, rather than absorbing it through the filter of an adult world. Children are beginning to see themselves as intellectual agents -- members of real and virtual communities, expressing themselves across boundaries of geography, culture, language, and age.

With the right support, classroom learning can become student-driven, interactive, experiential and collaborative. Students will no longer passively ingest information, but will manage and integrate it and even contribute to it. They will become not only takers, but creators of knowledge."

So more "Adult" like in their learning?? I have always believed that "Adult Learning Principles" should not be restricted to adults. Just think 4-H - "Learn to do by doing."

Thursday, November 29, 2001

Michael Rosicki, CEO, Parmalat Canada

Luncheon guest speaker at OSTD 2001 Conference.

"Good things from Milk" and Mr. Rosicki was an inspirational speaker to be sure. Some of the key points from his presentation:

"Human Resources is the only resource that appreciates in value. All others depreciate." Parmalat has doubled it's training and development budget every year since he took over.

"Move away from Training to Releasing Human Potential"

Once Vision, Mission, Values and Guiding Principles have been established, success come from:
1 - Walking the talk.
2 - Showing people.
3 - Focused measurement.
4 - A priority on changed behaviour as a result of training.

Parmalat did say good bye to three or four V.P.'s who didn't buy in to the new vision.

For me - it was just great to see a successful leader of an organization attributing his success to the key appraoches I believe in when I am in a leadership role. RBH

All Learning is Self Learning

From the Lecture 3: Orientations to Teaching and Learning.

Dr. Walter Gong, a noted educator now retired from San Jose State University, has developed a model for learning that focuses on the responsibilities of the learner. This model, Dr. Gong says, is the simplest case of all education and learning and involves self-motivation and a natural desire to learn and grow.

According to Dr. Gong, students should be expected to "capture" and "expand" upon coursework, and by this method make up for any deficiencies that an instructor might have.

A learner learns to "capture" information by recognizing certain categories that all information generally fits in. Once information is captured the learner is then morally obligation to "expand" upon that information and personalize it, thus bringing about greater understanding and meaning. As the learner "teaches" it to others, the application is reinforced in the learners mind and others are benefited. Finally the learner must "evaluate" in order to improve the learning experience.

This is exactly why I am so keen on the design of the "Quest" program. "Quest" is a personal development program for staff. The key to the design is participants are set up in teams to research a topic of interest - and then develop and present a learning opportunity for the other participants. Ask me about it!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2001


I learned about "Blogs" Monday. They are along the lines of e-newsletters / daily journal. Similar to OMAFRA Agri-Phones?

"Blogger offers you instant communication power by letting you post your thoughts to the web whenever the urge strikes. Blogger will publish to your current web site-or help you create one. "

Not sure if it has any use in OMAFRA. You can have multiple editors - so whether a "Swine" one would be of regular interest to swine farmers??? Some of the Leads or Specialists might have a following for their own Blog??? Would a unit such as the Contact Centre use one to share hot questions/information/resources with each other and other staff or clients. Don't know.

Might be an alternate way to do OMAFRA Gleanings or some of the Regional Information Coordinator e-Letters.

Discuss your ideas for uses for Blogs here - (or tell us if you think there is no use for them too).

Another example (and where I heard about GLOGS) is found at:

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Model for Designing Technology-Based Training and Education

This model from the Future Learning Solutions website could be useful.

I think a key point is the middle box. "Design Technology-Based Training" involving:

Content Expertise - OMAFRA leads and specialists

Educational Expertise - do we formally have in OMAFRA????

Technology Expertise - OMAFRA's Technology Applications Unit etc...


Design with adult learning principles.

Relevant and problem-centred.

Actively engages the learner.

Uses technology to support learning where appropriate.

**The most important part of e-Learning is the Learning. Learning has not changed. Technology and e-Learning provide us with more options for the delivery of education and training.

Monday, November 26, 2001


From Keynote presentation by Tod Maffin.

1. Fixation on self-paced curriculums.

2. Trying to do too much too early - video, audio etc...

3. Reinventing the wheel. Taking a PowerPoint presentation and changing it into some fancy format - instead of using conversion available already within the program.

4. Little attention paid to quality curriculum development.

5. Emphasis on teaching, not learning.


The four major points from the presentation by Dr. Nancy Dixon at last weeks Ontario Society of Training and Development conference were:

1. Start with seekers of Knowledge

2. Knowledge can only reside in the mind of a human being.

3. To take in "new" knowledge, the seeker has to connect it to "existing" knowledge.

4. People are delighted to share what they know - if they know the person appreciates the information.