Michael Rosicki, CEO, Parmalat Canada

"Good things from Milk" and Mr. Rosicki was an inspirational speaker to be sure. Some of the key points from his presentation:
"Human Resources is the only resource that appreciates in value. All others depreciate." Parmalat has doubled it's training and development budget every year since he took over.
"Move away from Training to Releasing Human Potential"
Once Vision, Mission, Values and Guiding Principles have been established, success come from:
1 - Walking the talk.
2 - Showing people.
3 - Focused measurement.
4 - A priority on changed behaviour as a result of training.
Parmalat did say good bye to three or four V.P.'s who didn't buy in to the new vision.
For me - it was just great to see a successful leader of an organization attributing his success to the key appraoches I believe in when I am in a leadership role. RBH
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